Frequently Asked Questions

We understand that joining a new club or a new sport you’ll have questions. Below we hope to answer some of those questions for you.

When does the season start/finish?

Trial games kick off March with round 1 usually late March, early April. With the season concluding late August early September.

At what age can my child join?

We suggest age 4 and upwards. Any earlier, things can be somewhat of a struggle. To officially register and play children must be turning 5 during the season.

When is training?

Minis’ training is Friday.

Juniors’ training is held on a night in consultation with coaches, players and parents.

What time are games?

Minis’ games range from 8am to 11:30am on Saturdays.
Juniors’ game times will vary.

Where are the games played?

Minis games are held across the Northern Beaches (from Mosman to Newport). View locations here »

Juniors games are held across the greater Sydney region.

What happens if it's raining on game day? What is the wet weather policy?

Wet weather play is determined by the Northern Beaches Council.

When are wet weather updates made?

  • Weekdays – 8am and 3pm
  • Weekend and public holidays – 7am

If it rains after these updates a sporting association may make the decision to not proceed with some games.

My child is apprehensive, can they trial the sport?

100%! Get in touch with our volunteers via our contact us page to let them know you’re coming down. We’ll ensure they’re looked after and get a feel for what it’s all about.

We also play soccer/league/netball, can we play rugby too?

Yes! We understand that kids want to play everything and we encourage it. Many of our players play 2-3 sports at a time.

Is it mixed or boy/girls?

We have mixed and same sex teams across all age groups. We’ll always endeavour to place your child in a team they’re happy with at all times.

What are the Clubs' policies?